ScanSoft PDF Converter Pro 4.1.

PDF Converter Professional é a solução completa de PDF destinada aos usuários empresários, que permite criar, converter, ver e modificar arquivos PDF. Cria e combina documentos PDF. Converta os documentos, os desenhos e as imagens de seu PC em ficheiros PDF.

Com apenas um clique, gere ficheiros PDF super compactos e de qualidade elevada para compartilhar com quem quer por meio do correio electrónico ou Internet. Converta documentos PDF a Microsoft Word, entre outros. Oferece um método simples, fácil e económico para desbloquear e converter ficheiros PDF em documentos de Microsoft Word e WordPerfect, tabelas de Excel, folhas de cálculo e formulários de Word, cuja aparência é idêntica à do original. Agora que tanta informação compartilha-se em formato PDF, é essencial que os destinatários possam utilizar a informação que estes ficheiros contêm, e economizem tempo e dinheiro a não ter a reescrevê-lo nem reorganizá-lo. Controle e modifique ficheiros PDF. Modifique um ficheiro PDF como se fosse o ficheiro original: acrescente, tire ou troque texto. Troque a cor e o tamanho das fontes. Acrescente, mude ou troque o tamanho das imagens. Converta o conteúdo de um ficheiro PDF em voz natural e guarde-o para o seu iPod. Proporciona segurança de vanguarda e função de assinatura digital, ferramentas de colaboração, mais tamanhos de ficheiro optimizados numa única e potente ferramenta. Formulários PDF prontos para rechear. Converta formulários estatísticos nos seus equivalentes preenchíveis e optimize o processo de preenchido de formulários. Converta um formulário PDF num documento Microsoft Word que conserve todos os campos e o desenho. Crie um novo formulário PDF, com casinhas de verificação, botões de rádio e campos de texto.


New features and feature enhancements in version 4.1:
Enhanced form tools and properties: These tools provide full support of form controls such as text fields, radio buttons, check boxes, pushbuttons, combo and list boxes. They are available in the Tools/Form menu or on the Advanced toolbar. When a new control is created, its property dialog box appears. The property dialog box can also be invoked using the Properties menu in the context menu of the controls. The property dialog provides a standard UI to control

o the appearance parameters
o field values and the format of the acceptable values and default values
o validation of the fields
o actions to be performed when an event happens with the fields
o calculations

Set Tab Control Tool: This new tool is available in the Tools/Forms menu or on the Advanced toolbar button. It is designed for setting up the filling order of the different fields. When you select this tool, you have to click on the available form controls one after another in the order that you intend to define for filling put your form.
New Save As features: In addition to the existing conversion features, the File/Save As conversion is extended with filters for JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG and TIFF. It allows you to convert your PDF files into further output formats.
New Security Panel: The Organizer Panels are extended with the Security Panel. It allows you to create new security schemes. They can be used as templates for creating secure PDF files. The feature is available from the main menu – View/Organizer Panel, the dropdown list of the View toolbar and using a separate button on Advanced toolbar.
Modified Stamp and ClipArt: The look of these panels has been changed. The stamps and clip arts are organized into groups. The design of these panels indicates this structure, the groups can be expanded and collapsed using the regular indicators; plus and minus signs.
Enhanced Interwoven iManage support: Two new features have been added to this release to enhance the iManage support.

o Enabling server selection. If the document management system consists of several iManage servers, you can select the server where the PDF files are opened from or saved to. You can Register/Unregister servers using an item in Edit menu. You can select the desired server in the WorkSite Open dialog and the file will be saved to the same location. You have to select the server before adding new file to the document management system.

o Support of automatic login to WorkSite servers: If it is required, the product stores the login information in a secure way. Whenever the user later attempts to connect to the server, the product uses the saved login information to establish the connection.

Enhanced Hummingbird support: This release provides closer integration into Hummingbird Client (Window Explorer DM Extension). Double-click on a PDF file in Hummingbird Client, the file is opened in PDF Converter Professional 4.0. The file is checked in immediately, when you save the changes and close the document. You have to modify the server component first. You have to create a Launch Method for Acrobat application using Library Maintenance utility with the following parameters.

Tamanho: 173 Mb
Formato: Rar
Idioma: Inglês

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